If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change. - Michael Jackson

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Royal Society For The Blind

In the late 19th century, one man's idea became a reality - and since then, the Royal Society for the Blind have been helping vision impaired children and adults all throughout South Australia.
This company is not for profit, surviving only through the kindness of volunteers and donors. Now, let me tell you a story.

On the 16th June, Rachael Leahcar auditioned for the Voice Australia.You may notice that there is something different about her name - its a palindrome. Although it is a stage name, Rachael has something else different about her. She is legally blind, suffering from retinitis pigmentosa, a disease which means that her remaining vision - less than 10% - will degenerate over the next few years, leaving her completely blind.Well, over night Rachael became a national sensation. Here is a video of the eighteen year old's audition, "La Vie En Rose."

Rachael is now performing under the coaching of her lifelong idol, Delta Goodrem, and is in the top four of Team Delta.Despite losing 90% of her eyesight early in life, Rachael never stopped chasing her dreams. Soon she will have no vision at all, but she still remains positive. She explains that the Royal Society for the Blind changed her life. As well as a client to the company, Rachael is also an ambassador.

You can change people's lives too. Click here to donate to the RSB, here to go to Rachael's YouTube channel for covers of more songs, here for the RSB homepage, and here to learn more about the Voice Australia.

To keep Rachael in the competition, and to vote her through to the semi finals and a step closer to a recording contract, SMS "Rachael" to 19955999, call 1902 55 95 08, vote on Facebook or download her latest performance, Someone to Watch Over Me, off iTunes (worth two votes).

Remember ~ never stop chasing your dreams. <3

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