If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change. - Michael Jackson

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Friday, May 4, 2012

I'm Back - Just in Time for FairTrade Fortnight!

I'm sorry - I haven't blogged in almost 5 months, if you can believe it. Oops. Anyway, I'm back! How was everybody's New Year?
A bit late to be talking about New Year, though. We're already in May! And tomorrow, the 5th of May, marks the start of the worldwide FairTrade Fortnight.
The FairTrade fortnight starts on the 5th May and ends on the 20th. In the middle is World FairTrade Day - celebrated on the 12th May.
During the next two weeks, try to take some time to eat, drink or buy FairTrade. Try to celebrate the idea behind the FairTrade organisation - justice and equality for all.
Before you (yes, YOU!) go anywhere, do anything or even read the rest of this post, register a Step for World FairTrade Day here.
When you click that link, you will be taken to a site full of FairTrade information. Click the big blue rectangle that says "Add Your Step" pick a step from the drop-down menu, eg. "Talked about FairTrade", 'Bought a FairTrade product."
The site wants 1.5 million steps, to symbolise the amount of people the FairTrade organisation aims to work with this year. Add a step. They need you to show your support and show you care. So far they have 500,000 steps. Join the walk. Make a difference. Register YOUR steps in less than two minutes. Do it. Now.

Watch this short video and learn why you should take a step to support the producers in Third World Countries.

To read more about the FairTrade fortnight and day, click here or here. Think about buying yourself or a friend a FairTrade gift - to find a good online store, use this directory or the links list on this blog.


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